Sample error message.
Sample error message.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding My DMV Accounts.
Why should I sign up for MyDMV?
You’ll have easier access to DMV's online services including renewing your
vehicle registration, ordering your driver history, changing your address and much more.
Can I get a MyDMV account without a Nevada driver license or Identification
No. Your account is created for you as an individual and we must verify your
identity. However, many DMV transactions,
including vehicle registration renewals, are available without an account on the
main DMV website.
Why does DMV need your email address? What is it used for? Can multiple people use the same email address?
DMV will send you a confirmation email when you create your account. If there are password or email changes
made to your online account you will be notified. You may also opt in for email
renewal notices. We have no email usage restrictions at this time so yes multiple people can use the same email address when creating an account.
Will DMV request any information by email?
DMV will not request any personal information by email
other that to collect and validate your account password.
How do I change my email address?
Login and click on your My Account Tab at the top of your Home Page. You may change your email address in this Tab.
How do I contact the DMV for help with technical issues I am experiencing with MyDMV?
For assistance with technical issues contact: Contact DMV.
Can anyone else see the address I have on my registration?
If you are the "mail to owner" on the registration any owner of that vehicle may see your address by doing a duplicate registration transaction.
Is there a fee to change the
mailing address associated to my driver's license record even though it doesn't print on the card.
Yes, it is $3.50 and a new card will be issued.
Is it possible to have a "family account" so that information for all members of my household is in one location?
Due to privacy concerns we cannot allow access to records that you are not legally a part of.
I cannot view the vehicles registered to my Trust, why is that?
Trusts are considered to be business records and as such are not eligible to create accounts in MyDMV. If you want those vehicles to show on your account you must be listed as an individual trustee on the registration. Please visit your local DMV for more information.
I would like to close my account. How do I do that?
Visit this link to submit a request for account deletion.
If my license/ID card says Valid Without Photo can I still use the Portal?
You can have an account, but you will not be able to do any driver license/ID Card transactions as we cannot send you a new card without a photo. All of those transactions must be done by our mail in renewal section"
I got a new driver's license number. Do I have to set up a new account or will my old account still work using the new number?
You do not need to set up a new account. Your account will automatically be updated with your new driver's license number. Your old driver's license number will not work once you have received a new one.