NV-DMV Records Online Services 

Disclosure: Please be advised that the signed affidavit used to obtain your original Records account is still in effect. All terms and conditions apply while using this online service. The original affidavit is on file at the Carson City DMV Records office.

If you have any difficulties using this site please contact us at:
We will contact you during office hours. Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm Pacific time, except holidays.

DMV online services are normally available during the following hours, Pacific time:
Monday - 24 hours
Tuesday thru Friday - 2 am to Midnight
Saturday - 2 am to 8 pm
Sunday & Holidays - Midnight to 9 pm

Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles
555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711-0725
 Las Vegas Area 
486-4DMV  (702) 486-4368

 Reno/Sparks/Carson City
684-4DMV  (775) 684-4368  

Rural Nevada
1-877-368-7828 Toll Free
 Central Services Fax
(775) 684-4992  

TDD (Hearing Impaired Only)
(775) 684-4904

The information in this Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles database is confidential and should be disclosed only to employees who require such access in the course of their assigned duties (NRS 481.063). All searches are subject to the limitations of our database. While all attempts are made to provide accurate, current and reliable information, we recognize the possibility of human and/or mechanical error. Therefore, the Department of Motor Vehicles, its employees, officers and divisions expressly deny any warranty of the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information provided by this system and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Any person who relies upon such information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.